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Front Office Information


To assist with the safety of your student, please contact the school office by calling during office hours or by leaving a message on the school’s voicemail system if your student will be late or not at school for the day.


All students should be in class by 8:35 AM (M,T,TH,F). If they arrive after 8:35 AM, (9:35 AM onWed) they should report to the office to receive a Tardy Slip.

Early Release:

If you know you will need to take your student out of school early, please call to inform the office. You will need to come in to the office to sign your student out. Please bring identification and plan to arrive before 2:30 PM.


For the safety of our students, ALL visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge. This includes parents, grandparents, volunteers, and former students. Please have identification available.

Change Of After School Destination:

Please call the front office any time there is a change in your student's after-school destination. Please call BEFORE 2:00 P.M. The change of destination form goes directly to the classroom teacher to ensure student safety. 



In order for ANY medication to be dispensed by school personnel onsite, we must have an Authorization of Medication Administration by School Personnel form completed. This form may be obtained in the office. This is for ALL medication, including over the counter (Tylenol, cough syrup, etc.) Parents are welcome to come and dispense medication themselves if they would prefer.

Medications must be checked into the front office by a parent or legal guardian age 18 and older. They cannot be sent to the school with the student. All medications must be stored in the office. Students may not carry medications of any kind at school. Teachers will check out and carry any needed prescriptions on field trips.


Inclement Weather:

Please watch your local news or go to to signup to get alerts on your cell phone or in your email. For more information go to the District School Closures page.