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Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

Mission & Vision

Our Dual Language Immersion Program is committed to graduate bicultural and bi-literate students who sustain high levels of academic achievement in both languages and are socioculturally competent individuals who will thrive in an ever-changing global community. 

The three pillars of Dual Language Immersion are:

  • Bilingualism and Biliteracy

  • High academic achievement in both languages

  • Sociocultural competence and critical consciousness

As our program continues to grow, we use these guiding principles to inform our decision-making regarding curriculum, instructional practices, and staff development.

Dual Language Immersion

Program Sites

As of the 2023-24 school year, our program operates in two schools: Highland Elementary and North Gresham Elementary.

Number of Dual Language classes (2023-24 School year)
Grade Level Highland Elementary North Gresham Elementary
Kindergarten 2 classes 2 classes
1st grade 2 classes 2 classes
2nd grade 2 classes 2 classes
3rd grade 2 classes 1 class
4th grade 2 classes 1 class
5th grade 2 classes Added in 2025-26 school year

Students who would attend Hollydale Elementary as their neighborhood school are eligible to enroll in the Dual Language Immersion program at North Gresham Elementary.

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, students will enter Clear Creek Middle School, where they will continue to receive a percentage of their core content instruction in Spanish. In The 2028-29 school year, the program will expand to Gresham High School.

Who can enroll?

Students entering Kindergarten or 1st grade at Highland Elementary, North Gresham, Elementary, or Hollydale Elementary can enroll in the program (Hollydale students would attend North Gresham, with transportation provided). Spanish speakers in older grade levels, or students who have attended Dual Language schools in other districts may be admitted to the program on a case-by-case basis. 

Program Applications

Applications are currently closed. Please check back in March 2025!

Program Structure

At the elementary level, our program follows an 80:20 model, which is a variation of the 90:10 model, in which students receive the majority of their core content instruction in Spanish in grades K-2, with more English instruction added each year.

Percentage of instruction in each language at each grade level
Grade Level Spanish Instruction English Instruction
Kindergarten 80% 20%
1st grade 80% 20%
2nd grade 70% 30%
3rd grade 50% 50%
4th grade 50% 50%
5th grade 50% 50%







Transition to Middle School

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, Clear Creek Middle School will offer Dual Language instruction at the 6th grade level. With each subsequent year, a new grade level will be added (7th grade in 2026-27 and 8th grade in 2027-28). 

Students will receive instruction in both Spanish Language Arts and English Language Arts. These courses include reading, writing, and language development (vocabulary, grammar, etc).

Students will also receive one other core content area in Spanish - Math, Science, or Social Studies.

Students who receive English Language Development (ELD) or Special Education services will continue to receive those services. 

Students will have access to Physical Education (PE) instruction. We intend for students to have access to the elective wheel (band, art, STEAM).

If you have questions about the transition to middle school, please submit them here

Frequently Asked Questions